Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Melissa- Dylan, Ellis & Brett

I finally got a chance to meet Brett and take some pics of Dylan & Ellis. Man, kids grow up so fast! I have known Dylan since he was 1 and everytime I see him he keeps getting taller! Stop growing! :)

It was so good to get photograph these 3. I always take the approach of the photojournalist instead of setting up shots. I love how all the emotions are in the photographs and I can capture them forever.

My favorite is the one of Ellis & Dylan.
Dylan is such a good older brother in helping take care of the girls. I would watch out when they get older he isn't going to allow them to have boyfriends! lol

1 comment:

  1. OHHH...I did not know that you put this up. My kids are too CUTE!!! I like the website...can't wait to see you again!
