Friday, February 18, 2011

A Valentine's Day Party

I was invited to photograph a Valentine's day Party on Monday. It was a last minute deal in which the photographer that was previously hired - bailed. Which btw is really not cool! I promise to ALWAYS keep my day open for my clients that have booked and would ONLY cancel in a life threatening event.
I didn't get permission to post the party photos so here is the details of the event. Pam has a Valentine's day party every year for last 15 or so years. And this would be the last in the Peoria area as they are moving away. It was her mother's birthday and what better way to celebrate with all of your favorite girlfriends. I think that Valentine's day isn't always about your husband or boyfriend it's about those people (your parents, best friends, brothers/sisters) that really matter.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Wendi - Portrait Session

Here is my best friend Wendi! She needed some head shots done and of course she turned to her favorite photographer! We had so much fun and I can't wait to get together to do the next one with on location shots. Enjoy~

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Blizzard of 2011

Well as promised here are some images from the Blizzard. I have been home alone for the past couple of weeks so I have been bored out of my mind and so I turn to my camera to keep me occupied. Lego of course loves to be my model. He really has no choice :) I am also babysitting Maggie (Doug's parent's dog) So it has been adventure with the storm with these two. I have also posted what I have up in my office some old Slide film that I did in college. Those were taken with the 4x5 camera. Kodachrome baby! I might just break out into Paul Simon's song! Enjoy friends~ View from my bedroom!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Winter Storm we are waiting.....

No these were not taken today. As I wait for this blizzard and the snow storm of all snow storms I figured I'd dig through the hard drive and give the blog a little love. These were taken in December when I think I last saw the sun. It feels like a million years ago since we had true sunshine. It is officially February! I can't believe how fast time goes by. I will be 29 in 11 days. This is scary. After 29 is 30 and I totally feel I haven't accomplished everything I wanted to by now. There is so many places I want to visit and do. I am proud of myself and that is all you can do. Keep taking risks and going for the dream. Anyways, I'll be documenting this storm of course so more photos to come in the following days. I have 2 dogs to keep me company :) Enjoy~